Working Approach & Methodologies

Working Approach & Methodologies

Network: Network individuals (professionals/ farmers/ social leaders), I/NGOs, GOs and Cooperatives working in the field of Permaculture and similar philosophy

Innovation and Innovative: Innovation is an important component in all aspects of development. Innovation always adds value on what has been done and produced better results. Innovation will be an integral part of system design and NPG always seeks to generate and promote innovations in its programme, management and approach.

Value Chain and Market-led Approach : NPG supports different initiatives and efforts at local level to develop sustainable income for enhanced values in the system and economic opportunities of the respective targeted groups. It follows the value chain approach as one of the basis for designing appropriate market-led and income based interventions. This approach involves analysis and involvement of all stakeholders in production, input and output marketing, and policy issues in the programme.

Right Based and Economic Empowerment: As there are different approaches on how to make equipped the targeted beneficiaries. NPG will adopt both right based and economic empowerment approach as per the local needs, interests and issues. NPG will always take the strategies of complementarity between right based and economic empowerment so as creates synergy for the effectiveness and efficiency. NPG will use different tools and techniques for awareness as well as economic empowerment process for the achievement of the planned goal and objectives.

Flexibility and Diversity: Diversity and flexibility always makes result more effective and attractive. NPG believes on diversity and flexibility so as able to make the interventions or initiatives more relevant and potential impact within the given context and needs. The flexibility or change in the plan will also be held on the basis of consensus of the respective targeted beneficiaries and stakeholders.

Partnership and Collaboration: Partnership and collaboration would be the strategy that creates synergy and enabling environment for influencing policy and practices. NPG will work in partnership with different organizations working in the field of sustainable development. The partnership are categorised broadly as implementing and strategic partner. NPG will complement the work of its partners, particularly when technical components are required. NPG has partnership with different institutions like Government organisations, I/NGOs, local organizations and the private sectors for larger and sustainable impacts. Working in partnership with different organization also helps in scaling up/out of the outputs, broadens experience and learning through innovation platforms/networks of different institutions, and thus promotes effectiveness and sustainability. NPG has also developed collaboration with different institutions working on research, academia and policy: like NARC, AFU, DoA, Gyan Kendra, INGOs, NGOs, CBOs and farmers’ groups, cooperatives and private sectors.

Networking and Coordination: NPG has considered networking and alliance as an important element for generating synergy at various levels so as has developed/engaged operational networking with like-minded professionals and institutions. NPG not only established its networking/alliance but also facilitate process to establish networking of beneficiary and development actors as per the flagship and opportunistic issues and needs. NPG focuses on theme and issue based networking and alliance at various levels, which has been considered as strong push for its policy influencing agenda.

Accountability : NPG is accountable to its community, donors, members, government and other peer organizations. NPG will enhance the importance of accountability by creating its’ standard mechanism which will build trust and provide greater clarity to the NPG programme and plans. NPG will also treat all people with respect, regardless of ethnicity, gender, age, caste, religion, job title, and or position. The board members and staff will support each other through listening, giving constructive feedback and having crucial conversations that address the key issues.

Advocacy and lobby: Advocacy and lobbying is another focus area of work. Under this area NPG advocate and lobby for/ against : Destruction and degradation, Chemical hazards, Food security,Government policies, Appropriate and alternative  interventions, Globalization and small producers, Genetic engineering, Indigenous knowledge/skills/values/ethics/wisdom, Gender and social equity, NGO culture, Patent right and others.

Learning Sharing : Learning sharing environment is another important component for managing change effectively and efficiently, which enables and creates environment for an organization to become more cable for managing growth within the changing context. Being a networking organisation and learning sharing within and outsides on an organised manner are the fundamental requirements. In order to facilitate the learning process, organization will mobilise already established mechanisms and processes and also establish new ones if needed particularly for generating knowledge and its effective communication.